
Staff members

  • MIYAMOTO Keizo

    Director; Professor, Noh Theatre Research Institute

    Born in Osaka in 1971. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University, in Japanese literature in 1994. Completed Ph.D. course requirements in the Department of the Science of the Arts, School of Letters, Osaka University, in 1999. Ph.D. in literature (theatre studies) from Osaka University, 2000. He specializes in the history of Noh, philological research, and the study of Noh masks.


    • JSPS Grant for Scientific Research (B), 2010?2011:
      'A comprehensive survey of documentary source materials in the Hannya-kutsu library formerly held by the Konparu family: Towards the establishment of a philology for Noh and Kyogen'
    • JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2006?2008:
      'Basic research on materials associated with the Edo shogunate and Noh: Building a database of Noh performances'
    • JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2003?2004:
      'Comprehensive research on literary arts in the cultural salons of the noble class in Kyoto of the pre-modern period'

    Member of the following academic societies

    • Association for Noh and Kyogen Studies (board member)
    • Japanese Society for Research on the History of the Performing Arts (board member)
    • Association for Japanese Medieval Literature
    • Japanese Society for Theatre Research
    • Society for Kabuki Studies


    • 2006 / Hayashi Tatsusabur? Encouragement Award for Research on the History of the Performing Arts
    • 2007 / Kanze Hisao Memorial H?sei University Noh Theatre Award

    Major publications

    • 2005 / Kamigata n?gakushi no kenky?
      [Research on history of Noh and Kyogen in the Kyoto-Osaka area]
      Osaka: Izumi Shoin
    • 2009 / (co-authored) Gion-bayashi no genry?
      [The sources of hayashi music of the Gion festival]
      Tokyo: Iwata Shoin

  • YAMANAKA Reiko

    Professor, Noh Theatre Research Institute

    Born in Tokyo in 1957. Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo, in Japanese literature in 1980. Completed Ph.D. course requirements in the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo, in 1986. Ph.D. in literature from the University of Tokyo, 2000. She specializes in research on individual Noh plays and the ways in which they have been staged throughout Noh's history.


    • JSPS Grant for Scientific Research (B), 2009?2012:
      'A national survey of Noh katatsuke materials, and comprehensive research on their role in the transmission of performance techniques'
    • JSPS Grant for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2009?2011:
      'Clarifying the elements left unwritten in Noh katatsuke materials: Based on a 3DCG shosa (stage movement) database'
    • JSPS Grant in the Program for Promoting Methodological Innovation in Humanities and Social Sciences by Cross-Disciplinary Fusing, 2009?2011:
      'Research on Noh katatsuke, rules for the notation of dance movements: Utilizing insights provided by engineering technology'
    • JSPS Grant for Scientific Research (B), 2005?2008:
      'A comprehensive study of Noh as a part of urban culture: based on a survey of documents kept by feudal domains'

    Member of the following academic societies

    • Association for Asian Studies
    • European Association for Japan Studies
    • Association for Noh and Kyogen Studies (board member)
    • Association for Japanese Medieval Literature
    • Japanese Society for Research on the History of the Performing Arts
    • Narrative Literary Society (Japan)

    Major publications

    • 1992 / (co-authored) Iwanami k?za 'N? ky?gen' Bekkan 'N?gaku zusetsu'
      [Supplementary volume 'Illustrated dictionary of Noh and Kyogen' in the Iwanami K?za series 'Noh and Kyogen']
      Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten
    • 1998 / N? no enshutsu: sono keisei to hen'y?
      [The production of Noh: Its formation and transfigurations]
      Tokyo: Wakakusa Shob?
    • 2003 / (co-authored) N?gaku hayashi-kata goj?nen: Kamei Tadao kikigaki
      [Fifty years as an instrumental performer of Noh: KAMEI Tadao's story]
      Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten
    • 2009 / (co-authored) N? o omoshiroku miseru kuf?: Kogaki enshutsu no rekishi to shos?
      [Techniques for showing Noh in an interesting way: The history and characteristics of kogaki performance variants]
      Tokyo: Hinoki Shoten


Steering Committee (Hosei University academic staff)

  • IKAI Takamitsu

    Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • HAYASHI Yoichi

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • SUZUKI Yasushi

    Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Communication
  • TAKEUCHI Akiko

    Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Communication
  • ITO Katsunobu

    Professor, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

Part-time Academic Staff

  • OMOTE Kiyoshi

    Professor, School of Asia 21, Kokushikan University
  • TAKAHASHI Yusuke

    Associate Professor, Institute of Oriental Classics(Shido Bunko), Keio University

    Professor, College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University
  • NAKATSUKA Yukiko

  • FUKAZAWA Nozomi


Visiting and Occasional Academic Staff

  • Paul S. ATKINS

    Professor, University of Washington
  • Thomas HARE

    Professor, Princeton University

    Professor, Hamburg University


  • KASE Akiko